Saturday, August 10, 2013

Half baked!

I'm 20 weeks pregnant today... we're half way there if I make it a full 40 weeks, which I'm pretty sure is unlikely.  But it's a nice marker either way.  Christmas can't come soon enough.  I want to get to the snuggle the baby part, and just skip the pregnant part.  It's not my favorite. 

But it's Saturday - that's prenatal yoga day so that's cool.  And tomorrow there's a yoga class/fun stuff, but I don't know if I'll have the cash on me to do it... blarg.  I hope someone buys something I'm selling so I can go.   Fingers crossed! 

Tomorrow is Mom's 70th, so we're going to have dinner here - I hope that goes well... I'll be baking bread and my sister will be making a lasagna and buying a cake even though I offered to bake one.  She wants to go to mom's new favorite bakery and that's just fine with me.

That's all I have for now!

Monday, August 5, 2013

OK, so I skipped yesterday...

But we found out who the next Doctor Who will be!  That is very important in this house.

Today I put out a call on Facebook: Anyone interested in coming over and playing with a super cute baby so I can clean? And an acquaintance responded and came over!  She came over around noon with her six month old and stayed until about two.  It was amazing!  I got the kitchen (which was scary) in to a much less scary state.  

I'm now making bread dough.. it's rising right now, but I won't be able to bake it off until tomorrow (I'm all about the no kneed bread!) but I can smell it and I want the process to go quicker then it is!

That's it for now...

Saturday, August 3, 2013


I need to get back to writing a blog.

What's going on with me?  I have a 9 year old, a 15 month old and I'm 19 weeks pregnant.  Yikes.

I go to yoga once a week, but I need to step that up.  We're hiring a doula this go-round because we think the extra help would be nice.  I also plan on getting the placenta encapsulated.  I guess I could do it myself, but... eek. 

I'll be back to write more tomorrow.  This needs to become a daily exercise.