Monday, December 12, 2011

Had my A/S Friday...

So everything went well - HB 158, weight 15oz (fiftieth percent!), I'm still not finding out what Little L is but I did find out I have an anterior placenta.  I'm getting so many kicks - I'm going to be in trouble later!  I've been feeling this little kicker since 12 weeks approximately... with an anterior placenta.  It does explain why all the kicks I feel are to the right... But I was shocked to find that out.
I was in there for nearly an hour because the baby would not stop moving... We finally got a profile of the face with the second tech - yep, they had to use two techs. The baby did tell us that it was number one though - a little fist with the pointer finger up!  It was really cool... I'm a little sad that this will be my last u/s barring problems, so I'm hoping that it's my last in that regard!
I also found out I passed my one hour glucose test with flying colors... thank goodness!  All in all, a great trip to the midwife's office!
Big Smile

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Brendan and Little L got to play!

They were playing poke and kick for about 10 min last night!  It was super cute, but I was so tired - this happened when we were laying in bed - I had to call the game off and go to sleep!  He was very excited that he got to play with the baby last night... he was nearly giggly...

Monday, December 5, 2011


Tonight as she was going to her bedroom stated:

I love you Mother

I love you Father

Merry Christmas Mother

Merry Christmas Father

No butt tonight...

Wow... I guess I do gab her butt too often...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Brendan got punted

By the baby in my belly!! For the first time ever!!!! WHOO HOO!!!

Happy... yes.

Today, I got my work done... finally.  So there's that, and I found (hopefully) a way around the same problem happening again.  That would be nice...

On to happier things!  I know Brendan and Lindsay will be able to feel the baby kick soon... I'm getting really exited about that.  Last night and this morning I got a few solid kicks.  I'm still getting flutters, but those solid kicks are really going to start in soon!!!

Lindsay had her first color guard practice last night, and she loved it.  I'm so excited that she's going to do something that made me so happy growing up.  She wants me to make a flag for her to practice at home with, so I think I'll have to get myself a good one to use to teach her with!  I really hope she gets into it... she's excited to start fundraising for her bowl-a-thon... she's already got a list of people in mind!

That's all I have for now...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I completely lack motivation lately - work, home, everywhere... I have known I needed to get something accomplished for nearly two weeks for work, I just don't want to do it. I've been avoiding and avoiding and avoiding... I really need to get this shit done.  There is laundry everywhere, and I've gotten as far as emptying out my dresser, but that's it.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm going to write more...

I've decided that I'm going to start writing my blog again... I'm 17 weeks 1 day pregnant, and so much has happened already... I started feeling movement around 12 weeks, but I'm still waiting on those solid movements that you get later... I've been having Braxton Hicks since about 14 weeks but they aren't too bad.  During the first trimester, I was sick on and off, and I defiantly couldn't eat before I drove - ugh! But now I eat on the road... which is also yucky!

At this point we haven't done much prep for the baby... we're waiting on Brendan's bonus, then I think things are really going to get moving.  We are both kind of indecisive folks so this should be an interesting experience, especially since we aren't finding out what we're having!  This year gender neutral isn't cool, so it actually should be a little easier - less selection! 

I'm almost at the point where you can easily tell I'm pregnant and not just overweight... but not quite yet.  No one who I haven't told directly has questioned me yet, but I'm pretty sure within the next month I'll be easy to identify as pregnant... Even my roller derby buddies that don't know can't tell - and I see them a decent amount of time. 

I think that I'm going to end this post here, but once I get into the swing of blogging again I'll start sharing it with people...

Until then, I love you hunroar!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The holidays are over, and I am baking

The holidays are finally over.  It's been a pretty crappy one this year - Christmas eve mom had a heart attack, so much of that time was split between the hospital and home trying to keep it as normal as possible for Lindsay.  I really don't feel like writing more now... I'll try to come back later.